Thailand Massage
Massage is the most natural & ancient disease curing with no poison residue a

The work displays an inherent knowledge of the inner workings of the body, a knowledge that developed over centuries of practice. There is something in the essence of this work that appeals to a wide range of people on a core level, something that satisfies their physical and emotional needs, and perhaps even assists in their spiritual needs. Chinese hot tea is served after the session
Banthai Beach Resort & Spa
Aromatherapy massage, Volcanic Stone Massage and Thai Royal Massage.
Aromatherapy Massage : Aromatherapy uses essential oils from plants to heal, alleviate pain and regulate mood. Essential oils are a volatile, highly concentrated plant extracts, derived from leaves, bark, roots, seeds resins and flowers. Aromatherapy massage uses these essential oils, but they can also be used in hydrotherapy baths, facials and body treatments. In aromatherapy massage, essential oils are usually mixed with a carrier oil like sweet almond, apricot kernel, or grapeseed oil. The therapist use up to five oils in a mixture, and chooses the oils based on what you need. A relaxing aromatherapy massage, for instance, might have lavender or bergamot, while a massage for sore muscles might include peppermint and eucalyptus.
Volcanic Stone Massage : is a specialty massage that uses smooth, heated stones.
They are often basalt, a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well. It is a deeply soothing, relaxing form of massage. The heat helps tight muscles release.

Thai Royal Massage :
The royal style differs from the gerneral one in some areas. Mainlythe royal practice aims to heal a specific part of body. The posturesare also more polite as it was serviced to the royal family beforethe western medicine coming to the kingdom. It was said that theroyal one is good for therapy and the general one is good forrecreational purpose. Both can be applied together to give bestresult to the people nowadays. There are also other primitive massagestyles such as bone setting etc
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